

My two sweet boys have the pleasure of sharing a room.
95% of the time, it works out just fine.  
I actually think they enjoy it.

I'm sure there will come a time when they will want their own space, 
but for now, 
they are pretty darn fond of each other.

They also share a closet (two closets, to be exact).
I just recently spent some time getting this closet in order. 

I lucked out and found this small dresser that fit perfectly in the space between the hanging organizers. 
I bought it at the Burlington Antique Show for $50.
I would love to change up the hardware, but it works for now.
The two large red baskets hold all of their sports shorts. 
They insist on wearing them everyday, so I like to keep them accessible. 

I added some labels to their organizers (thanks for the brilliant idea, Carmel).
We choose their clothes for the week on Sunday night. 
It definitely helps make our mornings a little less hectic. 

The red bins at the top of the closet hold extra sheets and sports uniforms.
The brown baskets at the very top are for the momentos they want to hang on to. 

The other closet holds all of their hanging clothes and shoes. 

Other than having their clothes picked out for the week, 
the boys could care less about having an organized closet.
But it sure makes mom happy! 

I didn't want my little girl to feel left out, so her closets are getting a makeover as well. 
I'll show you soon.

I hope you all have a great weekend. 
I don't say this often enough, but I sure do appreciate each and every one of you 
taking the time to stop by this little blog of mine.  It really means a lot to me.

Sharing with:
A Thoughtful Place


  1. OMG i am amazed. My boys share a room, but fight a lot. the older one is Type A and the younger one is messy and super competitive. Such a hard combination!
    I took the doors off their closet so I could move their dresser in there too. But the drawers are always hanging open, things are falling out, stuffed to the gills, wrinkled, nothing is organized. I even have little baskets on the dresser and they are good for nothing.

    I don't know how you keep this looking so pristine, I love your system.

  2. How fun. I love that it's organized but also really, really functional for your boys. That's the most important part after all, right? A few closets in our house could use some attention for sure!

  3. What a great job you did on their closet. I love what they wrote on the chalkboard. So sweet. I have to say, I am amazed that a white chair looks so clean in a boy's room :)


  4. This is all very new to me and this article really opened my eyes.Thanks for sharing with us your wisdom.


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