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Daddy Day

Every Saturday in our house is known as "Daddy Day".  Daddy goes and gets the kiddos doughnuts for breakfast and lets mommy sleep in.  Mommy loves "Daddy Day" and so do the kids.  Daddy got two special days this weekend.  On Sunday morning, I woke up early and made breakfast.  I woke the kids up and we took Daddy breakfast in bed.  We went to church, hung out for a few hours and then Daddy took all three kids golfing all by himself.  What a great dad!

Here is he throughout the years.

Child #1 (a girl)  I love this picture, it's one of my all time favorites.

Child #2 (a boy)

Child #3 (another boy) 

Daddy and all his fans. 

Here's wishing all dads Happy Father's Day!  We couldn't do it without you.

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