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I do this every year, but this is the first time I have put it out there for the whole world to see.  
I know, I know, the whole world is certainly not reading this, but you get the drift.

So, here goes ....

1.  Eat Less Sugar
This one will be hard for me. I love sweets, more specifically, chocolate.

2.  Improve My Meal Planning
I go in stages with this one.  I am good at it sometimes and
 then I will get into a rut and we will eat cereal for dinner or order out. 

3.  Run a Half Marathon
I wanted to do this last year and it didn't happen. 
I am hoping you lovely people will inspire me and cheer me on.

4.  Forgive and Forget
Life is too short to hold grudges.

5.  Tell My Friends and Family "I Love You" More
Again, life is too short and I don't want to regret not letting 
my friends and family know how important they are to me. 


There you have it.  
Are you the resolution making kind?


  1. great resolutions- you can do it!!!! i know you can. :)

  2. A great list Andrea!! Good luck with your half-marathon goal - you can do it!!!

  3. Love your resolutions; you picked great ones! I really like the meal planning board in your picture! Forgiving and not holding grudges is definitely one I need to work on. You can do the half marathon this year! YOU CAN DO IT!

  4. I certainly am the resolution making kind! Now sticking to them all is another story! :) It's at least worth giving them a shot. You have some great resolutions. Happy New Year!!

  5. These are great resolutions! I used to not make any because I knew I wouldn't get past the first week, but this year I've got a few things I really want to see through :)

  6. I think about them is all I can say, I usually break them sooner or later:) I hope you do run your marathon, just think what a great post that would make!

  7. I think you have a great list, Andrea! I could definitely apply them all. Except the marathon...that sounds tough!!

    I like to make goals, they seem to last longer. You can sort of see the progress.

    I wish you all the best in your endeavors. You can do it!!


  8. i love your list. that resolution i told you that i make every year--be better about meal planning. perhaps we will both do better this year.

  9. What great, worthwhile goals. I have no doubt that you can tackle them all!


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